Saturday, April 17, 2010

Some Soave wines featured in Wine Spectator

Little bit slow on the take on this one...but a few Soave wines were featured in the March issue of Wine Spectator, within "New Releases" in their Wine Buying Guide.

2 wines from the Monte Tondo estate received 90+ pt ratings:

* Soave Classico Superiore Foscarin Slavinus 2007 ($30) - 93 points...and more so for those who like a late-harvest style wine

* Soave Classico Casette Foscarin 2007 ($22) - 92 points and described as a "real Soave" and "a new benchmark" by James Suckling

La Cappuccina's Soave 2008 ($9) got 87 points.

and I am happy to report that the Coffele estate's Soave Classico Alzari 2007 ($24) was also mentioned and received a 91pt. rating. Not sure I got the banana cream pie notes that Mr. Sucking did...but haven't had banana cream pie in quite a while.

also do not 100% agree that this wine is "like a juicy Chardonnay from the New World in texture." Usually not a huge fan of New World style wines cause they tend to be overpoweringly oaky...and I found Alzari to be slightly more subtle and have just the right amount of oakiness due to being aged in large oak barrels as opposed to barrique.

But, I will be the first to admit that I'm a lot newer to the world of wine tasting than Mr. Suckling.


- Zucca

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