Monday, March 15, 2010

Le gambe d'oro ancora funzionano

I go running basically everyday through the streets and vineyards of Soave...and of course this is seen as a very "American" thing to do, especially if I go quite early in the morning.

Going running or to the gym at 6am is pretty much unheard of in Soave, as opposed to in the states where gyms can have a line for the treadmill starting at 5:30am. Actually you would be hard pressed to find a gym in Soave or any of the surrounding towns that opens prior to 9am.

Very much wish I had a corresponding visual for this story. La prossima volta!

I was in the last stretch of my run the other day and passed by a group of roughly 12-15 men ranging in age from about 25-65. They were watching some fishermen transfer an enormous amount of live fresh fish from one large container to another. I can only assume they were prepping to make a delivery to some of the local restaurants.

As I passed by, all the men turned my way to say "Buon Giorno." And let's just say, they didn't immediately turn back to watch the action with the fish after wishing me a good day. There definitely was some lingering of the eyes going on...and there was nothing subtle about it.

So I am happy to report that my "gambe d'oro" still work...per fortuna!!

- Zucca


Unknown said...

Do you mind if I steal that golden legs line for my wife? I look forward to learning some Italian.

Zucca said...

got right ahead Mr. Drill! and don't worry, I'll definitely be giving you some more lines in future posts.