Luckily I managed to swing in a quick 2-day excursion to Karezza in the meantime, took some photos...and discovered that Karezza is a pretty spectacular place in the summer, as well as the winter.

Smaller crew in comparison to New Years. Just Chiara, her mom Giovanna, Giorgio and I. But it was perfect.

Our 2 days basically involved...doing a little walking, playing cards, lunch at a random spot in the middle of a field where we were treated to a live accordion performance, an unsuccessful attempt at finding mushrooms (a first for me), eating lots of red meat (visual references provided) and drinking a decent amount of red wine.

Ok. More accurately...I drank a decent amount of red wine and actually had to apologize for finishing off the bottle at dinner - what can I say? Giorgio was too busy talking to drink, Giovanna was in too much shock listening to the stories Giorgio was telling to drink, Chiara was laughing too much to drink, the bottle was placed strategically right next to me...and apparently I was the only multi-tasker at the table.
- Zucca