Now this is what I call a bbq.
Shirtless men manning the largest grill I have ever seen...and cooking up an obscene amount of tasty pork products.
To be exact, enough of the following pork products to feed roughly 30 people:
- Costine di maiale (pork ribs)
- Salsicce (sausage)
- Bistecca di prosciutto (basically Italian ham steak)
- Pancetta (Italian bacon)
The bbq took place at the Coffele Agriturismo, or "bed and breakfast."
Well, more accurately...the Coffele "bed & breakfast to be served sometime in the near future."
The bbq was in celebration of my Dad and his lady's visit to Soave (the lovely Linda)...as well as the upcoming birthday of my Dad and that of Giovanna, Chiara's mom.
A friend from Boston, Paul Christophersen, was also in attendance..and I would be fooling myself to think that the driving force behind his postponing his flight to England to stay for the bbq was to spend more time with me and not the lure of the Fred Flintstone sized hunks of meat.
The menu also included guacamole, fresh tomatoes and basil and a cold rice dish.
And of course, Coffele wine was served in abundance.

Luckily the weather held up and we were able to end this fabulous day with an excursion through the Coffele vineyards to pick some fresh cherries...led by the fearless Giovanna (pictured with me below).

It was a real treat introducing my Dad and Linda to all of the wonderful people that I have met during my stay in Italy. All of whom have made my experience here truly unbelievable...and even better, more entertaining and definitely significantly crazier than I could have ever imagined.
All of whom have also contributed to the re-enforcing of my belief that they do everything just a little bit better in Italy.
- Zucca